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Workshop on The Impact of Dust on Cosmological Inference

If you are seeing this, we hope you join us on December 12th (10am start) and 13th 2022.

More details about the workshop here

Please fill out this Google form to let us know if you can join us in person on December 12th & 13th 2022 (Cambridge, MA)

Local/Scientific Organizing Committee

Dillon Brout, Charlie Conroy, Doug Finkbeiner, Daniel Eisenstein, Edo Berger, Christopher Stubbs

Confirmed Attendees

Dillon Brout (CfA) Charlie Conroy (CfA) Doug Finkbeiner (CfA)
Christopher Stubbs (CfA) Adam Riess (STSci) Daniel Scolnic (Duke)
Daniela Calzetti (UMass-Amherst) Željko Ivezic (UW/LSST) George Halal (Stanford)
Samir Salim (IU) Desika Narayanan (UF) Sidney Lower (UF)
Nayantara Mudur (CfA) Gregory Green (MPI) Eddie Schlafly (STSci)

The Pitch

Nearly all precision cosmologists must understand to what level cosmic dust impacts their measurements. Yet, while our understanding of cosmic dust in the Milky Way and beyond has developed significantly, there remain many questions that affect the potential constraining of future measurements in many/most of the most exciting areas of cosmology.

We are attempting to connect the leading researchers on cosmic dust with the rest of the cosmological community and facilitate instructional talks, practical discussions, and real-time collaborations on the impact and mitigation of dust’s role in cosmological inference.

We are planning a 2-day in-person (Harvard Smithsonian CfA) interactive workshop aimed at bringing the dust and cosmology fields together and addressing the following questions: